防疫相關措施 Anti-epidemic measures3

802高雄市苓雅區中華四路31號17F 17F, No. 31, Zhonghua 4th Road, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City, 802


防疫相關措施 Anti-epidemic measures


LJ Hotel takes the following hygiene and passenger safety measures to maintain your health and safety during your stay.

• 公共區域須配戴⼝罩
• Masks must be worn in public areas

• 全⾯使⽤消毒⽤品進⾏清理
• Use disinfectant supplies throughout for cleaning

• 員⼯穿戴個⼈防護裝備
• Staff wear personal protective equipment

• 為住客和員⼯量測體溫
• Take temperature for guests and staff

• 免費提供旅客⼿部清潔及消毒⽤品
• Provide free hand cleaning and disinfection supplies for passengers

• 根據疫情指揮中⼼規定,經檢測額溫超過37.5°C或耳溫超過38°C⼈⼠不得入住。
• According to The Epidemic Command Center stipulates that people whose forehead temperature exceeds 37.5°C or whose ear temperature exceeds 38°C are not allowed to stay.

• 根據疫情指揮中⼼規定,若您必須按政府單位要求進⾏居家檢疫或居家隔離,將無法接待您。
• According to the regulations of the Epidemic Command Center if you must undergo home quarantine or home isolation as required by the government. LJ Hotel has the right not to serve you.